Friday, November 29, 2013

Favorite books (so far)

The truth is I haven't really read a lot of science fiction books. One of the reasons I took this course was to get to know more books and authors in general. And it has worked great so far!
Most of the science fiction books that I've read are by Isaac Asimov. I liked his style with the Foundation series, so I started looking for more books by him. It turned out that he was one of the most prolific authors ever!, so to this day I'm still finding new material from him, not counting the books I want to read but haven't found yet.

So, without further ado, here are my favorite books:

1. The Gods Themselves, by Isaac Asimov
2. Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, by Douglas Adams
3. The last Question, by Isaac Asimov (this is actually a short story, but I love it, so it goes here)
4.  Foundation, by Isaac Asimov
5.  Dune, by Frank Herbert

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